Sunday, December 06, 2009

Isn't the Internet Wonderful

How fantastic is the Internet?

Back in the late 70s there was a rumour that the Clash (yes, that Clash) were due to play a gig in Swindon but they burned the venue down and so the gig never took place.

As a punk, I was gutted, one of the greatest bands of the era could have played Swindon - but it remained a myth and probably an urban myth at that.

Anyway, Sunday November 29th saw Alice Cooper play The Oasis, a leisure club that gave Noel Gallagher the inspiration for the name of his band - yes, those well known rockers - The Leisure Centres. The local paper carried the post gig report together with a couple of comments from people who were there, including one Ian Doeser - a "Pub Rock Legend" and local musician of some repute .

I've played with Doeser a number of times in that past and had totally forgotten about him until I read this article so I turned to Mr Google to see what was known.

It transpires that he's just finished recording with his band The Hamsters From Hell* in a local studio (Infernal Machine), has an album on the way (The Wonders of Modern Technology Vol 3 released by 208 Records) and a Christmas Single "Oh no it's Christmas Again"

This lead me to a video clip on the Swindon Viewpoint archive which featured a brief street interview with Ian about the European Elections in 1979. Swindon Viewpoint being one of the very first community radio and TV stations which broadcast on the fairly extensive cable TV network in Swindon.

More Googling turned up the fact that Ian appeared on an album by David Marx, formerly of Swindon and now living in France. The album, "Green Indians" was put together to celebrate the life and work of another local musician, Kevin Wilkinson, (Squeeze, the Waterboys, China Crisis, Fish, The Proclaimers and Howard Jones - to name a few) who took his life in 1999.

I then read a little more on David's site - particularly his musical history. His first band was called "The Aggravators", in which Doeser played bass.

Reading down the page brought me up short. In 1977 The Aggravators were due to play support to Subway Sect who were, in turn, playing support to the Clash. The first two bands were to open at local venue, The Affair whilst The Clash were to play "across the road" at the Central Hall.

However, the Central Hall mysteriously burned down during the day, destroying some of the Clash' equipment and all three bands ended up playing The Affair.

So, it was a myth no more, in 1977 one of the pioneers of punk rock did indeed play Swindon - and I missed it. That was probably the only gig I missed, being a regular at The Affair, a small nigh club with tiny stage but great atmosphere.

If you are interested, you can see pictures of The Aggravators on Bored Teenagers. In the first picture Ian is on the right - with an unusual haircut whilst the second has Ian second from the right.

* The Hamsters from Hell must now be one of the longest running bands in Swindon, this was Ian's band in the 70s too - unless they've reformed, as is the current fashion.

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